Monday, July 8, 2019

AVOCADO UPDATE: 2 Avocado plants left

I am more than upset with the results of Avacado, but I feel like it wasn't a good start for her anyway.

Her life wasn't going so well from the start. I raised her in a cup, gave her too much water and space to grow, and little to no sunlight at all. Now that I'm reflecting I feel like I tortured the poor creature. During Avacado's last moments, I pruned all her leaves off, repotted her and left her outside for nature to take its course. The next day, a heavy storm came through town and absolutely destroyed the plant. It was practically a ball of roots at that point. It continues to sit out there today and a little part of me hopes that it will spring back to life after being baptized from the past thunderstorms.

If it wasn't for Avacado, I wouldn't have started this plant journey. I don't know I mentioned this earlier, but I literally did not try to be careful when Avacado first germinated. I felt like it was a miracle when it happened, and thus started my seed-growing high. I'm trying extra careful to meet my avocado plants' needs right now, even if they're not in good shape right now. Basically, all of the leaves except a few fell off all of my plants, BUT THEY'RE RECOVERING! They are still healthy enough to have some new growth, which is a very good sign. The only problem I have is that it's taking forever. But that's a good sign too!

The more I grow plants, the more I'm patient with myself

Here are some recent photos:
These all were taken on 7/2/19

Maybe this will grow as big as the old one

Still my favorite plant ❤️💚

This is my Uncle's peace lily plant her got a long time ago. We're taking care of it for the summer while they're on vacation.

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