Sunday, March 4, 2018

Looking towards Spring Break!

One thing I love about crocheting is that I can destress while making something pretty. Last week was pretty stressful because I was so focused on schoolwork and nothing but schoolwork. My 10th-grade class and I all agree that we have TOO MUCH HOMEWORK. Last Friday, my English teacher decided to listen to our feelings and concerns about school and stress. Before I went to English, I heard my English teacher cried and a bunch of other students cried while they talked. At some point, my friend had to quiet down the teacher just so she can speak up about her feeling about the outrageous amount of homework we had. Hearing these stories made me feel scared to go to class because I really don't like crying and I definitely don't like watching other people cry. Luckily for me, that's not how it went in my class. My class was pretty chill. Only two people cried.

What my class and I hoping to get out of our little homework discussion is that we hope to see something change to where we won't have to be so stressed for all the projects that we do. I feel like I would be a more organized and a happier person if it wasn't for all the homework I had to do. I could tell a difference in my mood when I don't have to do a lot of homework. I understand that my school is preparing us for college, but the methods that some of the teachers are using are breaking us down instead of building us up. As that one Kelly Clarkson song said, I hope it's true when they say "What doesn't kill you make you stronger."

Ok. Now let's talk about Crochet.

You have probably figured out by now why I haven't been able to crochet lately. Now that spring break is coming up, I can finally catch up on my Pinterest boards and blog updates. I got two orders from a friend and my great aunt who want me to make them a beanie and a baby blanket. The beanie will probably take me a day or less to make, but the baby blanket's going to be a completely new experience.

The last time I attempted to make a blanket was last year and the blanket turned into a scarf, which became a Christmas present. My great aunt asked me if I could help make a baby blanket for her new great-grandchild. The baby's going to be a boy, so she's looking at boyish yarns and colors. I remember she said the mother liked the colors yellow, blue, and some other color I forgot. I'm pretty excited to get this blanket started because I have never made one before. We have to have a blanket done by July because that's when the baby is due. I already looked up a few patterns that I thought would be super easy but gorgeous for the baby.

Here's a link to what I found:

I would also take recommendations from whoever has made baby blankets before! All ideas are welcomed in the comment section.

I'm pretty excited for the beanie too because I am thinking of trying out a new pattern. My friend would like a slouchy beanie, but she picked a beanie out of some other google images with a cool beehive-looking design on it. I thought I might give that one a try. Here's an example of what I might make.

courtesy of Esty and Pinterest.

Other than those projects, I haven't crocheted at all for the past few months. Hopefully, I'll get the chance to make something during spring break. Plus, my birthday is coming up. Looking forward to a fabulous sweet 16!

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